Pavement Lift, Width, and Extent Database Tools

By Works Consulting LLC

Solution details




In short, this add-in allows pavement management systems to quickly establish pavement lift compositions and lift extents into a GIS database. The tool has been developed to read pavement structural sections and roadway cross sections out of CAD drawing files. The semi-automatic routines can be checked and adjusted by the data technician who operates the tool. Esri Roads and Highways or Works Consulting's LrsTools for ArcGIS Pro can be utilized to record the extent of a pavement lift as linear measured positions on LRS route centerline, with starting and ending engineering stations – instead of having to convert to reference posting. Optical character recognition (OCR) is utilized to initially populate the longitudinal extents. Then use the relational table structure to form the lateral components (lanes, inside shoulder, outside shoulder) of the roadway cross section. Once again, OCR is used to pre-populate the lateral extents to the data table. The snipped CAD image of the road cross section is stored as an attachment in the GIS. Then, in another relational table, store the pavement structural section designs as ordered groups of layered lifts. Each design is cataloged as a snipped attachment so that the data user can confirm the lift history from each successive project. Yet again, OCR is used to pre-populate the layered characteristics of each structural pavement design. All CAD design illustrations can be stored as record attachments – allowing the document management and the GIS to co-exist in one data structure. Other conflation tools by Works Consulting can be used to transform legacy pavement lift and extent histories into the contemporary format for capture of legacy data stores going forward. The Add-In brings together all facets of pavement lift history and can be applied to all components of a roadway, allowing an HPMS report (for Items 49 and 54 to 60) to be generated at will, using the compiled temporal history of all known pavement lifts at any and all LRS measures of a highway network.


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