Solution details
This add-in allows Data Managers to understand when – and by whom – the data was changed. It allows data technicians to post reasoning(s) for certain data changes. The functionality logs the row-cell changes made to registered table classes or feature classes and stores them in a related table for perpetuity. This gives Data Managers and future users access to vast detailed knowledge beyond their retention ability and even beyond their own tenure with the data itself. EditTracker's near instantaneous intuitive data retrieval allows the user to make much more efficient, informed, decisions based upon the past history of each record and each cell. Contrast to Editor Tracking (from Esri) – the EditTracker provides active row-cell detail whilst the Esri product passive row-only detail. EditTracker also provides a commentary function which allows a user to make comments on individual fields in a record or group of records. These comments are stored in the related EditTracker history table and can be retrieved with the extended interfaces provided by the EditTracker as well as by other add-ins provided by Works Consulting. This "active" add-in replaces the "passive" counterpart from ArcMap which existed since 2005. That is, in ArcMap every change was listened and listed in the ET history. However, in ArcGIS Pro, the changes are only logged if the cell(s) are right-clicked and then 'Track or Comment' dialog is used to make the change. The active tool also does work in concert with other Works Consulting LrsTools geoprocessing tools such as the Assign Nearest tool and others. Hence those tools that do massive edits can track the record-cells that they change by logging them to the EditTracker history – if they change – at the time they are auto-calculated.
Highways & Roads