I felt like the course content was excellent, and it really covered a lot of the topics and analysis tools that I can and will use in my research work in the future.

— Samantha A., Tennessee

It was GREAT. Better than I had expected it to be. Was not sure about instructor led online course for such a complicated topic, but Alan [the instructor] and the materials made it understandable and useful.

— Duane T., Georgia

The setup the week prior to class was awesome. It provided a smooth ease into the classroom setting. I was worried about using the virtual machine, but it went very smoothly.

— Melissa O., Colorado

This was a great opportunity to dive into a new (for me!) GIS subject. The hands on exercises were well written and I learned a lot through doing them. It was good to have an instructor available to clarify content when necessary.

— Jennifer W., Virginia

I prefer in-person classes, but this online class was well managed, tech worked great, virtual machine great, good experience.

— Scott W.

Really a good class - lots of content packed into three days, I didn't see any major issues with the workbook, Derek [the instructor] was great. Overall good experience.

— Lauren T.

The course covered a lot of very common areas within GIS, many of which I have had a hard time learning about in the past. It made a lot of difficult topics easy to understand. 

— Andrew W., California

This experience was clear and to the point. [I] learned a lot and enjoyed the instructors immensely.

— Jennifer C., Ohio

I know it is difficult to get people all over the country on the same page - but you did it.

— David K.

I like the step-by-step instructions on the exercises.  It helps me think about what I'm doing from a GIS perspective instead of trying to figure out how to do it in the tooling. 

— Kenon R.

The materials were intuitive and instructional, [and they were] delivered in a straightforward manner that focused on grasping the context and methodology. 

— Jerry F.