Enterprise GIS development and deployment

By GeoAcuity

Solution details




Design and implementation of geospatial architecture for enterprise data hosting, web services delivery, and web mapping application development. Utilizing ESRI’s ArcGIS Server and an ArcSDE managed Oracle geodatabase a three tiered system was built utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtual systems. Extract, transform and load (ETL) procedures were put in place for the ingest, conversion and publication of geospatial data along with geoprocessing tools and routines. Geospatial data, imagery and geoprocessing tools were delivered as web services (ESRI REST, OGC WMS and WMTS, KML and SOAP) and through a JavaScript web application interface. Unique DNS and SSL’s were assigned for the secure web delivery of web services and content. AWS and AGS services were tuned based on performance metrics to ensure high speed deliver with minimal lag of geospatial data content.



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