UPN Work Management Integration

By Futura Systems, Inc.

Solution details




UPN Work Management Integration Improves Seamless Communication from Field to Office UPN’s Work Manage System from SEDC improves critical communication between different groups and departments by connecting every aspect of a work project in one central interface. By joining Work Management and FuturaStake, your entire workforce can stay connected – whether in the office or in the field. • Track the progress of your jobs from start to finish and customize workflows based on your projects’ needs • Link general CIS/billing and accounting with highly configurable, easy-to-use software • Instantly share data between Work Management and staking from a single point of data entry, eliminating the need to re-key orders • Experience real-time integration with immediate, inter-departmental work order updates • Enhance quality control by validating adherence to established policies and procedures • Add, change and update the job’s requirements and considerations from the field • Reduce the potential for lost or incorrect work orders • Eliminate the need for Engineering and Operations to purchase, install, maintain or even open staking software to view a staking sheet • Improve the quality of work-related details through data integrity tools that verify map information


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