
By Futura Systems, Inc.

Solution details




FuturaGIS provides Powerful Mapping in an Esri Geodatabase With FuturaGIS, our robust mapping and editing tools are built inside the core-Esri model. As an extension of the Esri software, FuturaGIS allows complete data management and includes significant new graphic tools – all in one easy-to-use geodatabase. As an Esri Gold Business Partner, Futura’s commitment to leading-edge development ensures that you will consistently receive the highest levels of functionality and support. • Access all the Esri tools in one geodatabase • Configure and export system load data • Access Esri-based map, along with easy-to-use Futura tools • Personalize our highly configurable software to fit your business needs • Eliminate redundant data entry with automated attribute population • Save time and money single-click work order posting • Improve project accuracy with our user-friendly GIS mapping and editing • Ensure a connected electric model with our built-in validation tools • Enjoy exceptional customer service from Futura’s industry experts with remote access to your system • Interface with our industry’s leading engineering software, as well as CIS, AMI, EA, SCADA systems and IVR


Electric & Gas,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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