Streets, Roads, and Bridges

A construction worker using a tablet, A black background overlayed with a map made of red dots

While focusing on sustaining existing traffic networks and road management, the emergence of multimodal transportation, changing travel patterns, and autonomous vehicles presents an opportunity for public works agencies to reenvision their communities. GIS and street maintenance software offer a lens to see and better understand gaps in service, improve road safety, prioritize improvements, model circulation, and deliver infrastructure that is resilient and equitable.

Prioritize road and bridge maintenance

Public works agencies must understand current conditions to better prioritize road and bridge management. With GIS, agencies can analyze travel patterns, shifting lifestyles, and future trends such as autonomous vehicles to target problematic infrastructure spots before it's too late. Help residents understand why and where you are investing their tax dollars.

A computer displaying a blue sketch of a road bridge


Cary DoT leverages GIS for pavement plans

Easy-to-read dashboard grants support for internal decision-making processes and creates transparency with the public.

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