
Modernize maritime charting with data-driven production

A nautical chart enclosed in a square with a small square image of a person working on a computer overlapping it

Nautical charting and maritime data management are key to a thriving national economy. Production and management of authoritative information and nautical charts must be reliable and delivered in a timely manner to ensure safety of life and property. In the modern maritime environment, vessel drafts and traffic are increasing. These drivers are causing the need for higher-resolution products to be delivered faster. ArcGIS supports successful production and timely product delivery, minimizing risk to national maritime traffic disruption and economic loss.

Enhance maritime data management and production

More than navigational charts

Enable highly automated workflows supporting international digital and paper chart standards as well as fully customized products. Effectively use and analyze your spatial data to make better decisions about protected areas, border protections, coastal management, infrastructure investment, and emergency planning with ArcGIS Maritime. It also supports the following:

  • Accelerated nautical chart production
  • Easy incorporation of S-57 data
  • Optimized chart production workflows
  • Data sharing services 
A monitor displaying a colorful land and water dot map


Nautical charts go digital with help from GIS

Chart production is becoming an electronic-first endeavor, where all the data is pulled from one standardized, GIS-based system.

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Products and solutions for production


National maritime and hydrography strategies


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