Asset Management and Risk Analysis

Visualize and monitor your assets

A 3D model of a sprawling city with buildings shaded yellow and blue, overlaid with a closeup photo of a large white drone in mid-flight

Evolving to modern and resilient operations

Manufacturing automation requires physical and digital connections that achieve optimal production, uptime, safety, and security. Location-based manufacturing asset and facility management helps leaders assess risks, plan, and protect staff and assets to improve operations. Location-enabled asset management software supports factory and campus management from every angle—above ground and below ground.

Gain visibility and connectivity from every angle

Data-driven planning for the future

Build impactful capital plans that unite infrastructure issues, capital improvement projects, and operational needs to inform spending prioritization that addresses immediate needs and long-term goals. Use maps to communicate scenarios and impacts across functions to maximize investment in office and plant modernization.  

A blue and white 3D model of a large office complex with orange and blue map points identifying key areas


Monitoring Risk at Marriott

With a simple integration of two forms of location intelligence, Marriott created a global view of risk and a barometer for key business decisions.

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