
High-quality global places and points of interest data

Round image depicting a city skyline with various symbols representing points of interest placed over a street map.

Provide high-quality places and POI data to users

Gain access to over 1,000 categories of points of interest (POI) data. High-quality data that is regularly updated gives you more time to create valuable applications. Consume places data as a service directly or use it in the client APIs or SDKs of your choice. With its global coverage, the Places service is an essential tool for all developers.

Benefits of the Places service


Find places near a location

A nearby search finds places within a given radius of a location. The location typically represents the geolocation of a device or a selected point on a map.

Learn more about nearby search
Screenshot of a city street map with fork and knife icons representing points of interest (POI) related to dining establishments in an application.

Find places within a bounding box

Find and display places within a current map extent. Filter places using categories and/or text. Get place attributes including name, categories, place ID, and location. Find the place ID of places so you can request additional attributes.

Learn more about bounding box
Screenshot of a city street map with building icons representing points of interest (POI) related to businesses in an application.

Get detailed information about places

Quickly return important attributes for a place and gain insight to compare places. Find an address and important location information and get a telephone number, email address, website information, or user and cost ratings. 

Learn more about place details
Screenshot of a city street map with person sleeping on a bed icons representing points of interest (POI) related to restaurants in an application.

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