Key cancellation dates
The last day to make or update reservations has passed.
For additional information on hotel cancellations, refer to the Frequently asked questions section of this page.
April 8–9, 2025
Atlanta, Georgia
Step One
Reserve a room at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis by clicking the Book your room link. Rooms are subject to availability.
Step Two
Upon reserving your room, you will receive a confirmation email from our Passkey reservation system. This email will contain a promo code to register for the Esri Southeast User Conference at a discounted rate. The registration discount will be automatically applied when you use the promo code.
The last day to make or update reservations has passed.
For additional information on hotel cancellations, refer to the Frequently asked questions section of this page.
Unauthorized housing providers claiming to be associated with Esri may contact you to make special offers for hotel reservations or request nonrefundable deposits via email, phone, or fax. Please make all accommodation arrangements through Esri directly.
Yes, you can receive the discounted hotel rate without registering for the conference.
Conference attendees may modify or cancel their existing hotel reservation by using a link provided in their confirmation email.
United MileagePlus members earn valuable miles for their travel when using the Meetings discount code. Booking fees are waived for Meetings reservations.
No, Esri does not provide transportation to or from the event venue. We suggest that you check with your hotel to see if they offer shuttle service.