ArcGIS Survey123

What's New in ArcGIS Survey123 (February 2023)

ArcGIS Survey123 brings together the power of forms and GIS. Use Survey123 to build anything from the simplest to the most sophisticated form; share them on the web or with the Survey123 mobile app. Collect the where of things and show your organization the value of visualizing and analyzing data geographically.

The ArcGIS Survey123 February 2023 release has great new features and critical fixes.

Read on to learn what’s new

Create Survey123 reports with Microsoft Power Automate

Do you want to create beautiful PDF reports of your survey results? For example, you can create Survey123 report templates that include maps, tables, photos, signatures, etc. This release adds a new Create Report action to the ArcGIS Survey123 Microsoft Power Automate module. As a result, you will be able to automate generating reports on a schedule or when a survey is submitted!

For instance, after an inspection form is sent from Survey123, a PDF report is created and attached to an email as shown in the below Microsoft Power Automate flow screenshot.

What's new in ArcGIS Survey123 (February 2023): New Create Report action in Microsoft Power Automate

Set up your flow to either trigger the Create Report action when a survey is submitted, as in the previous example, or schedule it to run daily, weekly, etc.

You can learn more about Survey123 reports by checking out this help topic or watching this video. You can also explore this article to start with ArcGIS Survey123 and Microsoft Power Automate.

New tools in Survey123 Connect

The ArcGIS Survey123 version 3.17 includes a few new tools to help you with your authoring tasks. If you have ArcGIS Pro installed, Survey123 Connect will display the Tools menu on the left-side panel, as shown in the screenshot below.

What's new in ArcGIS Survey123 (February 2022): New tools menu in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

Don’t see the tools menu? Then, you can follow these step-by-step instructions in this help topic.

Enhancements to the Survey123 web designer

Use the Survey123 web designer to visually create forms right from your web browser. In this update, calculations on map questions have been enhanced to help you with collecting the horizontal accuracy and altitude of point locations.

What's new in ArcGIS Survey123 (February 2023): New Map Calculates in the web designer

You can use these new options to record additional metadata about the locations collected in the form. Tip: Calculate these values and hide the question in your survey. This way, you can collect essential metadata while keeping the form simple for your users.

Additional new features

Accessibility improvements: Microsoft Word includes a series of pre-formatted paragraph text styles. Alternative screen readers use these styles to understand a document’s layout and aid user navigation. Starting with this release, the Survey123 report service leverages these pre-formatted styles to help alternative readers navigate your output documents more easily.

Report syntax improvements: Specify the web map and scale independently for map questions. More info in this help topic.

XLSForm enhancements:

What’s next

Location sharing in the Survey123 mobile app: Record and share field users locations to easily monitor where Survey123 users are and have been. Start experimenting with location sharing in Survey123 without installing the beta version! Learn more here: Survey123 Early Adopter documentation on location sharing.

LaserTech laser rangefinder integration with the Survey123 mobile app:  Accurately measure distances to remote objects and heights or perform offset mapping by combining LaserTech laser rangefinders with your Survey123 forms.

In Case You Missed It!

Check out the new features and enhancements from the February 2023 release. This 60-minute video from our March webinar provides a short presentation on what’s new, features plenty of live demonstrations, and a live Q&A with our subject matter expert, Senior Product Manager Ismael Chivite. Watch it now! 


Survey123 what's new webinar recording.

About the authors

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.


Christie is the Product Marketing Manager for ArcGIS Pro. Before coming to Esri, she studied Heritage Preservation and GIS in graduate school. In her spare time, Christie enjoys exploring the outdoors, hanging out with family, and trying new recipes in the kitchen.


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