ArcGIS StreetMap Premium

Announcement – The main deliverable for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium is changing

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium, Esri’s solution for on-premise geocoding, routing, and map visualization, is undergoing some changes to its main deliverable format starting in January 2024 for North America.  Other regions will follow. Currently, you receive locators and a file geodatabase containing the network and map visualization layers.  We’ll be consolidating these deliverables into one package – the mobile map package (MMPK).  Don’t let the name of the format confuse you.  Mobile map packages aren’t just for mobile or runtime devices.  They can also be used in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise.

We want you to get in on the action early and test the mobile map packages!  To do this, you can join the Early Adopter Community.  Details are below.

Why are we making this change? 

1. A locator for geocoding

2. An uncompressed network for routing

3. Vector tile packages for map display

Haven’t mobile map packages already been an option, at least for ArcGIS Pro users?

Yes, mobile map packages have been an option, but a new set of mobile map packages will be optimized for use in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Who can use the new mobile map packages?

What if I use ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x or ArcMap?

Does this change impact me if I use StreetMap Premium Custom Roads or StreetMap Premium for Runtime?

No.  The change in deliverable is only for standard StreetMap Premium.

Last updated:  January 3, 2024



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