Esri Demographics

What's New in Esri Demographics (June 2017)

The June release contains demographic updates for the U.S., Australia, and 33 countries in Asia. Read more about these updates below or jump ahead to learn how these updates affect you.

U.S. Demographics

Australia Demographics

Asia Demographics

How will these updates affect me?

For the Ready-to-Use Living Atlas Maps User within ArcGIS Online

Demographic layers and maps for 35 countries are updated.

For the Business Analyst and Community Analyst User

Business Analyst and Community Analyst users can access the updated data through reports, infographics, and maps. The complete attribute list for each country is accessible through the data browser contained in the application.

For the Data Enrichment user in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Maps for Office

The June 2017 update provides access to the datasets shown above. For a detailed explanation of new or deleted attributes in datasets, see the Release Notes for each individual country available on the Esri Demographics documentation pages.

For the Developer using REST endpoints for Standard Global Demographics & Lifestyle Map Services

The REST endpoints for Standard Global Demographics & Lifestyle Map Services were updated in June 2017. These changes will impact any application consuming these services. Some of the changes to the underlying REST endpoints included in this release are:

1. Changes to the layer IDs.

2. Changes to layer names.

3. Changes to attribute field names, IDs, and aliases including additions and deletions.

Because of updates to the underlying data, users of the Demographics & Lifestyle Map Services may need to update these items in the query parameters of REST requests to the service from their apps. To view the updated map service REST endpoints, you will need to access the REST API with a developer or organizational account, using a token request.

For the Developer using the REST endpoints of the GeoEnrichment Service

The underlying datasets of the REST endpoints of the GeoEnrichment Service were updated in June 2017. Some of the changes to the REST endpoints included in this release are:

1. Changes to the layer IDs of the administrative/statistical boundaries.

2. Changes to the layer names of the administrative/statistical boundaries.

3. Changes to attributes/analysis variables including additions and deletions.

Because of updates to the underlying data, users of the GeoEnrichment Service may need to update these items in the query parameters of REST requests to the service from their apps. To view the updated REST endpoints, you will need to access the GeoEnrichment Service with a developer or organizational account, using a token request.

About the author

Lucy Guerra has over 20 years of experience as a product manager, working with organizations to understand their business challenges and shaping products to address those challenges. She focuses on enhancing the user experience with quality data, and leads a team focused on bringing to market, and driving awareness of, Esri's data and location services.

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