
ArcGIS Runtime at DevSummit 2021

The 2021 Developer Summit is right around the corner – it’s all virtual this year, scheduled for April 6th– 8th. The ArcGIS Runtime team is hosting a comprehensive line-up of sessions and demo theaters to introduce the SDKs, get you caught up on the latest features, and dive deep into development topics. This blog is aimed at helping you plan your time at the Developer Summit by highlighting opportunities to learn about ArcGIS Runtime, engage with the development team, get answers to your questions, and provide feedback.

Overview and Planning

Tue, 11:30am – 12:30pm

ArcGIS Runtime: An Introduction to the API and Architecture

This session will present an introduction to the Runtime SDKs, advantages of using them, and an overview of the API. This session is ideal for developers new to the runtime and managers or program managers evaluating the technology.

Thu, 11:30am – 12:30pm

The Road Ahead: ArcGIS Runtime (video not available)

Come and find out what exciting new functionality is coming in the future.

Thu, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Everything You Wanted to Know About the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs but Were Afraid to Ask

This is your chance to ask the ArcGIS Runtime team any questions.  Feel free to ask your questions in ArcGIS Runtime SDK’s DevSummit 2021 Live Q&A board, hosted on GeoNet, which will be open from now to the end of this session.   During this session we’ll have a panel of ArcGIS Runtime developers answer any questions posted on the board.

The SDKs

From day one we designed Runtime to be an SDK that you could use with your existing IDEs and in-house skills. To that end we’ve worked hard to release a set of Runtime SDKs that cover a variety of development environments and target platforms. There’s a session for each of the them, with .NET split up into two parts.

Wed, 10:15am – 11:15am

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java: Building Apps

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET: Building Apps–Part 1

Wed, 11:30am – 12:30pm

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android: Building Apps

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET: Building Apps–Part 2

Wed, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: Building Apps

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt: Building Apps


ArcGIS Runtime is a first-class component of any Web GIS solution, but it includes highly flexible and capable functionality for working with your data when disconnected. Whether you just want to view a map on your device or edit data in the field without any network connection, Runtime has patterns and capabilities to support you. Learn more at these three sessions:

Tue, 12:45pm – 1:45pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Working with Maps Online and Offline

Tue, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Editing Your Data Online and Offline

Wed, 7:00am – 8:00am

ArcGIS Runtime: Optimizing Your Data Workflows for Working Offline


Tue, 3:15pm – 4:15pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Authenticating Your Apps with the ArcGIS System

As a first-class citizen in the ArcGIS system, Runtime offers strong authentication patterns and can work directly with portal content (whether it’s in ArcGIS Platform, Online, or Enterprise). Learn how to utilize these patterns in your application with your ArcGIS system.


Wed, 12:45pm – 1:45pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Labeling Patterns and Best Practices

ArcGIS Runtime includes a robust client-side labeling engine. Learn the patterns and best practices for labeling features and graphics in both 2D and 3D.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Tue, 10:15am – 11:15am

Extended Reality (XR) with ArcGIS

Learn how ArcGIS Runtime provides native developers with opportunities to build and deliver AR experiences on mobile devices.


Thu, 12:45pm – 1:45pm

ArcGIS Runtime: Utilities

We’ll discuss how ArcGIS Runtime SDKs can be used to build solutions for the utility industry, including electric, gas, telco and cable. You’ll learn how ArcGIS Runtime capabilities enable developers to build location-aware applications for data discovery, collection, and analysis, both online and offline. In addition we’ll demonstrate current support for utility networks and utility oriented features and workflows.

Demo Theaters

We’re also hosting a set of Demo Theaters to dive into a variety of topics which include tinkering, testing, toolkits, AR, navigation, and design patterns. These offerings are available On Demand, when you’re ready to watch.


ArcGIS Runtime: Jumpstart Your App Development with Toolkits


ArcGIS Runtime: Building Augmented Reality Experiences


ArcGIS Runtime: Routing and Navigation Tips and Tricks


ArcGIS Runtime: Tips and Best Practices for Testing Your Apps


ArcGIS Runtime: Building Adaptive Maps
ArcGIS Runtime: Navigate to the Dark Side
ArcGIS Runtime: Building Advanced Apps for Android with MVVM


ArcGIS Runtime: Jumpstart Your App Development with Open Source Apps


Runtime team members will be available in the Runtime SDKs channel of the Ask Our Experts showcase to discuss your Runtime questions and feedback. We love learning about what you’re building and how the Runtime SDKs are working for you.

At the 2019 Developer Summit we introduced the Developer Clinic to assist customers with strategic questions about development projects and solutions that involve many parts of the ArcGIS system. This effort was incredibly successful, so we’re continuing to support it this year, albeit virtually, through Code Reviews. Which begs the question, when would you sign up for Code Reviews vs visiting the Runtime product area in the Ask Our Experts showcase?

We look forward to meeting you at the 2021 Dev Summit!

About the authors

Rex Hansen is a Product Manager for the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps and ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines. He has over 25 years of experience in GIS, spatial analytics, and computer mapping. Currently, he guides the development of native technologies in the GIS industry to use authoritative geospatial content and analysis in offline workflows, photorealistic experiences, and immersive, extended reality solutions.


Nick Furness is a Product Manager for the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps, and ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines, specializing in Swift and iOS. He's spent over 25 years working in the GIS space building projects ranging from small mom-and-pop solutions all the way up to enterprise utility and national government deployments. Nick presents at various Esri Developer Summits, the User Conference, and many other events, almost always talking about something to do with the Native Maps SDKs (although you might find the odd bit of JavaScript thrown in there).

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