ArcGIS Business Analyst

2019 U.S. Data Update Now Available for Business Analyst Desktop and Enterprise

Get the latest Demographic Data for the US for your local and on-premises use now! Here are the highlights of the data update:

Updated Demographics:

2019/2024 US demographics including population, households, income, age, ethnicity, and more. These Updated demographics from Esri include current year estimates and 5-year projections of the US demographic data. Below are some key new additions to this data:

Consumer Spending:

Esri’s five-year forecast of Consumer Spending provides an indication of future spending for consumer products and services five years out.

Tapestry Segmentation:

Tapestry segmentation provides an accurate, detailed description of America’s neighborhoods—divided into 67 distinctive segments.

Market Potential:

Esri’s U.S. Market Potential data provides details about the products and services consumers want and the civic attitudes in multiple categories.

Business Locations and Summary:

Data on more than 13 million businesses including name and location, industrial classification code, number of employees, and sales sourced from Infogroup.

American Community Survey (ACS) Data:

Download this data update for  Business Analyst Desktop and Enterprise from You need to be current on maintenance for Business Analyst products to get the download.

About the author

Harshitha Dondapati

Harshitha Dondapati is a Product Manager on the ArcGIS Hub team at ESRI. She focuses primarily on Hub's premium offering, driving the Product Roadmap for Hub's engagement and collaboration features along with building resources for Product Evangelism and Competitive Research. Harshitha is passionate about connecting with customers to gather feedback and works collaboratively to understand their engagement needs to develop customized impactful solutions.

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