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What’s new in ArcGIS Maritime for ArcGIS Pro 3.1

By Krista Carlson

ArcGIS Maritime for ArcGIS Pro 3.1 includes several enhancements and new tools that give you greater control over maritime workflows, particularly when it comes to charting. Here are some of the biggest upgrades and additions:

First off, we’ve added support for paper chart schema, which supports hard-copy and digital chart production at any scale. We’ve also added support for Additional Military Layers (S-57 AML) production. This includes seven AML data models containing the Nautical feature dataset and standalone support for feature classes and tables. All of these data models are included in the 3.1 ArcGIS Maritime install package.

We’ve also added new customizations to exporting and validation with the S-58 Error manager. The new features can be found in an options popup pane that is accessible via a newly added settings button. You can now specify a product configuration file, SCAMIN* configuration file, and ignore list files for your validation data exports. You can also opt to clip features from this options pane, giving you a range of methods to customize your data validation. Settings in the S-58 options pane are saved in the project settings, so you can set it and forget it, unless you want to make changes to your validation settings.  

The Create S-57 Exchange Set tool has been enhanced too. The new LFIL File parameter allows you to control the population of long file names in exchange set records with the option to reference a text file containing file names and descriptions. 

We’ve also added a new suite of cartography tools to facilitate charting workflows. The new cartography toolset includes tools for applying maritime symbology, generating cartographic limits, generating light sectors, and transferring the Quality of Position (QUAPOS) attribute from S-57 features. Details on what you can do with each tool are below. 

Generate Cartographic Limits 

You can use the Generate Cartographic Limits tool to clean up nautical charts by editing intersecting and overlapping features. This tool will also delete features that coincide with erase features. Using this tool can help improve the display in both digital and paper charts and cut down the time it takes to draw features and export charts.  

Generate Light Sector 

The Generate Light Sector tool facilitates the creation of light sectors on nautical charts to illustrate the distance and direction of navigational lights at sea. You can create boundary lines and arcs based on attributes from point feature classes. Customize the length of lines, the radius of arcs, units of measurement, reference scale, and coordinate system to generate a feature class containing light sector features. 

Transfer Quality of Position 

The Transfer Quality of Position tool can help with symbolizing features by transferring QUAPOS attributes from S-57 edges to coastline, depths, and natural features. 

Apply Maritime Symbology 

The Apply Maritime Symbology tool applies maritime paper chart symbols to layers. You can customize symbology rules in the CXML file included in the installer to define styles for specific types of features. This tool can be used in tandem with other data management tools to define symbology for your maritime layers. 

Learn more about how to customize maritime symbology, and happy charting! 

*SCAMIN values determine the minimum scale at which S-57 features are displayed.  

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