ArcGIS Pro SDK at Developer Summit 2021

Esri Developer Summit 2021 is almost here, scheduled April 6th – 8th, and there will be plenary sessions each day!  You can register and see more information at the site here.

The ArcGIS Pro teams have been working to provide a full line-up of online offerings to help you get started and updated on the latest features and patterns for Pro development and the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET.

Below is a list of many of the Pro SDK learning opportunities, and you can also search the online agenda here.

Finally, plan to visit the ArcGIS Pro Channel in the “Ask Our Experts” showcase and speak with Pro team members.  You can ask your questions, discuss your plans for using and customizing Pro, and see demonstrations including new features of Pro 2.7.

We look forward to seeing you online at the virtual Dev Summit!


Scheduled Sessions with Live Q&A

Wednesday, April 7th:

 10:15 a.m. — 11:15 a.m. — ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Regression Testing your ArcGIS Pro Add-In
In this session you will learn how to configure a unit test project in Visual Studio to author tests for your Pro add-in. This session will demonstrate how to write tests using VS test framework, however this concept can be applied to any testing framework of your choice. This session will focus on writing integration tests.

 11:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. — The Road Ahead: ArcGIS Pro
Learn about what’s new in the latest release of ArcGIS Pro and what’s coming in the next release. Members of the ArcGIS Pro development team will share an early look at new and improved capabilities in ArcGIS Pro.

 12:45 p.m. — 1:45 p.m. — ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: What’s New in the Geodatabase and Utility Network APIs
Already know the basics about the geodatabase and utility network APIs in the Pro SDK? This session describes all the new functionality that has been made available over the past year, including non-spatial object support in the utility network, enhanced versioning including partial posting, and geodatabase DDL.

 2:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. — ArcPy: Beyond the Basics of
This session is for those who are already familiar with the module in ArcGIS Pro and are interested in learning more advanced capabilities. We will focus the majority of our time discussing and demonstrating how to use Python to gain access to Esri’s Cartographic Information Model (CIM). Python developers now have fine-grained access to the CIM and therefore to many more settings, properties, and capabilities that are persisted in a project or document. You will learn the necessary steps to read and understand the JSON structure of an object to successfully modify its CIM definition.

Thursday, April 8th:

 7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. — Optimizing Content for 3D: Scene Layers and Developers
Customers are creating and commissioning more 3D content than ever before. Esri users and developers need to advise end users on the tools, patterns, and techniques required to create the best performing 3D content for use in GIS. This presentation will discuss tools in ArcGIS for working with 3D content including common patterns in ArcGIS Pro for examining and converting 3D content. The session will also discuss specification and SDK for developers to generate and optimize I3S content.

 10:15 a.m. — 11:15 a.m. — ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Introduction to the Parcel Fabric API
This session introduces the Parcel Fabric API, new at 2.7. We cover the information model, concepts and editing patterns. We also cover COGO-specific topics on data schema and attributes, including ground to grid corrections, circular arcs, spiral curves, direction formats and distance unit conversions.

On-Demand Sessions

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: An Introduction to the Use of the CIM with Symbology in Pro    
This session covers the underlying point, line, polygon, and text CIM symbol structure and design. We focus primarily on symbol layers and the CIM’s use of nested hierarchies. Practical examples of how to deconstruct symbols are provided. Familiarity with the CIM is assumed. Attendees can review the previous 2019 session “Understanding the CIM – A Developers Guide” for background.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Approaches for Pro Extensibility         
This session will examine fundamental approaches for extending Pro, covering select SDK and Pro API areas.  We’ll discuss practical considerations for your add-ins and online resources for your work.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: New Chart Renderers        
We cover the new Chart Renderers available in the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. We will cover Bar chart, Pie Chart and Stacked Bar chart renderers.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Plugin Datasources, Deep Dive
This session covers implementing custom datasources in Pro for both tables and feature classes.  We also cover implementing support for spatial and tabular queries in your custom datasources.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Practical Dockpane Design and Implementation  
This session shows how to design and implement Dockpanes to provide an improved user experience.  We cover UI design, Pro themes, re-use of Pro tools and commands, UI controls, MVVM, and asynchronous considerations.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Synchronous and Asynchronous Custom Method Design           
An overview of QueuedTask is provided along with guidelines for its use when authoring custom synchronous and asynchronous methods for add-ins. Practical examples are provided.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Utilizing GPS Devices in the API           
Learn how to connect to a GNSS receiver to visualize and access data from a device.  We will examine the options for tracking the location on the map and how to obtain snapshot data.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Voxel Layer API        
This session provides an overview of the voxel layer API, new at 2.7, including voxel layer creation, variable profiles and how to define and manipulate surfaces, sections, and slices.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: What’s New in Sketch (Map) Tools for Editing       
This session will examine recent additions to the sketch tool API.  We’ll cover new sketch geometry types, retrieving snap results, and interfacing with the new global sketch events.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: What’s New in Editing       
This session will examine recent additions to the editing API. We’ll cover configuration of layer snapping options, enhancements to the editing environment, editing events and edit operation.

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Working with Graphics Layers & Reports    
Learn how to create and work with Graphics Layers and Graphics elements.  We will also examine the new enhancements to the Report API for modifying existing Report definitions.

Exploring UI Controls via the Combo Box in ArcGIS Pro SDK
This session will touch on UI control elements available in ArcGIS Pro SDK and demonstrate examples using the Combo Box template. Specifically, this session will examine the basic uses and properties of a Combo Box, and show some more advanced tips to take full advantage of this great tool in your ArcGIS Pro SDK projects.

Versioning Variations: An In-Depth Look at Using ArcGIS Pro SDK with Geodatabase Versioning
This demo theater will explore the ArcGIS Pro SDK APIs related to versioning. Using code examples, we will demonstrate how to code versioning-related tasks, including creating and deleting versions, switching the version used by a map, as well as reconciling and posting versions. We’ll also explore the new partial posting workflows that will become available with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.

About the author

Chris is a product manager on the ArcGIS Desktop Team, focused on the ArcGIS Pro SDK and helping users achieve their Pro customization goals.

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