ArcGIS Online

New! Notebooks as Web Tools in ArcGIS Online

We are very excited to share that notebook web tools are now available in the June 2024 update of ArcGIS Online.

Think of a notebook web tool as a means of running the Python code in an ArcGIS Notebook via a simple web tool with a few input parameters. This web tool can then be consumed in client applications such as the Map Viewer, ArcGIS Experience Builder, or other web apps. With this functionality, users can run complex Python workflows without ever seeing any code!

Use Cases for Notebook Web Tools

Notebook web tools can be published by notebook authors who have the Publish web tools privilege. When the notebook web tool is shared, it can be consumed by other members of your organization who have the Run web tools privilege.

Notebook web tool tutorial

Check out the Notebook web tool tutorial for a complete tutorial on how to author and publish a web tool from scratch. The web tool created in this scenario allows you to identify electric vehicle (EV) charging stations along a route.

Notebooks web tool UI

Example of the notebook web tool user interface in the Map Viewer.

Behind the scenes, there is a bunch of Python code that pulls in data, then performs the network analysis and spatial queries within the notebook. However, all the web tool user needs to do is pick the start and end point of the route and the search distance from it. Give the workflow a try with your own locations!

Output map graphic
Output map graphic zoom

Outputs of the notebook web tool showing the route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with EV charging stations along the route.

Join the Esri Community

Whether you want to talk specifically about notebook web tools, or about ArcGIS Notebooks in Online, Enterprise, or Pro in general, please join the ArcGIS Notebooks community . Ask questions, share ideas, and get help from your fellow notebook users. You can also visit the ArcGIS Notebooks product page for product level information and quick links to resources.

If you are interested in learning about other exciting updates in ArcGIS Online, please read the What’s New in ArcGIS Online (June 2024) blog.

About the authors

Lingtao is a Product Engineer for ArcGIS Notebooks. Her work focuses on notebook runtimes, web tools, and notebook samples. Prior to this role, Lingtao worked in Esri Technical Support as a subject matter expert in APIs and SDKs.


Nick Giner is a Product Manager for Spatial Analysis and Data Science. Prior to joining Esri in 2014, he completed Bachelor’s and PhD degrees in Geography from Penn State University and Clark University, respectively. In his spare time, he likes to play guitar, golf, cook, cut the grass, and read/watch shows about history.

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