Have you ever wanted more flexibility determining what an administrator can and cannot do in your organization? Perhaps you have administrators that you want to manage certain aspects of your organization without granting full administrative control. Maybe you have administrators with different responsibilities: some who manage the website and its members, while others focus on keeping your organization secure.
With the June release of ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, there is more flexibility for allowing users to manage the administration of your organization. You can create custom roles that include administrative privileges to manage organizational settings. This allows administrators to delegate a specific set of administrative tasks to users without giving them the full set of privileges in the default administrator role.
Use any combination of the following privileges in a custom administrator role to grant specific privileges:
- Security and infrastructure
- Organization website
- Collaborations
- Credits (ArcGIS Online only)
- Member roles
- Servers (ArcGIS Enterprise only)
- Utility services
Members assigned the default administrator role have full capabilities and privileges in the organization. Be mindful when assigning this powerful role, as it provides full access to the organization’s settings and may grant more privileges than your members need.

You can now create custom roles that allow access to the organization’s settings without granting full control. For example, a user with a custom role that includes only the Organization website privilege will have the ability to manage the organization’s website settings without the ability to perform other administrative tasks, such as managing security or utility services. When this user navigates to the Organization page, they will see the relevant settings to manage the look and feel of the website. They can modify settings such as the organization name, home page, gallery and other cosmetic elements, but do not have the privileges to update any security related settings.

You may have a designated team to manage the flow of content across several organizations using distributed collaboration. These members can be assigned the Collaborations privilege to create and manage collaborations, without any of the other administrative privileges granted in the default administrator role.
To leverage these new fine-grained administrative privileges, you must create a custom role in your organization settings page.
In ArcGIS Online, you will see this new capability in the Member Roles tab of the Organization page, under Administrative Privileges when creating or editing a custom role.

In ArcGIS Enterprise, the new settings are under Portal settings in the Administrative Privileges section of custom roles.

The privileges granted to the custom role will define which organizational settings the member assigned that role can view and modify. There are some capabilities that are still reserved for default administrators, such as the ability to promote or demote other members assigned the default administrator role.
The new fine-grained administrative privileges in the June 2019 update of ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 provide the flexibility to create custom roles that can better match the unique needs of your organization.
For more information on these new custom administrative privileges, see the ArcGIS Online help or ArcGIS Enterprise help.
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