
How do you get missing annotation into an existing annotation feature class?

Missing Anno Thumb

Sometimes you will find that some annotation you had thought you produced is missing. You can add this missing annotation into your existing annotation feature class without having to recreate all the annotation. The approach you take will depend on whether you are creating standard annotation or feature-linked annotation.

Standard annotation elements are pieces of geographically placed text that are not formally associated with features in the geodatabase. For example, you might have a piece of standard annotation that represents a mountain range—the annotation simply marks the general area on the map.

Feature-linked annotation is a special type of geodatabase annotation that is directly linked to the features that are being annotated by a geodatabase relationship class.

Here are some tips for working with feature-linked annotation.

Once you have created your annotation, the first step is to check whether or not all of your annotation was created for a given feature class. One way to do this is using the instructions in Step 1 below – or you can simply visually examine your map. Was all of your annotation produced?

Missing annotation

If the answer is yes, then you can begin the process of editing the annotation so it is placed exactly where you want and has the exact properties you want (e.g., font characteristics, character spacing, word spacing, offsets, alignment, etc.)

If the answer is no, here are a couple of ways to check and resolve some issues you may find:

You should now have feature linked annotation produced for those features that did not have annotation before.

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