3D Visualization & Analytics

What's new in ArcGIS 10.3 for Server

Everyone hopefully saw the announcement last week that ArcGIS 10.3 is now available. In this occasion we want to drill down into what is new in the ArcGIS for Server product, which includes enhancements to the GIS Server, and licensing changes in its Portal for ArcGIS extension.

The GIS Server includes some key enhancements providing features that we have heard requests for over the past releases:

The full list of issues addressed is available online and the What’s new in ArcGIS 10.3 for Server help topic goes into detail on many of the new things in the GIS server. Please read the compatibility help topic for details as you plan to upgrade to the 10.3 release.

The Portal for ArcGIS extension is now included at no additional cost with both ArcGIS for Server Standard and ArcGIS for Server Advanced licenses. This was first announced during the User Conference and we are excited to make this available to all of our customers in order to provide a complete Web GIS with ArcGIS for Server. Here are some reasons why we think Portal for ArcGIS will be important to you:

The Portal provides an effective way to organize your ArcGIS Server services, maps and apps so everyone can find and use them quickly.

If you are familiar already with Portal for ArcGIS, you will find a comprehensive list of new functionality in the  What’s new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3  help topic, but among all the enhancements, we want to highlight the following:

Finally, we want to highlight the new location for everything related to ArcGIS 10.3 for Server: server.arcgis.com. From there you can navigate to documentation, product information and much more.

Happy Holidays!

The ArcGIS for Server Team

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