Stella(Xintian) Li

Stella(Xintian) Li is a Product Engineer on Esri's Spatial Statistics team. As an urban enthusiast who has a strong passion for spatial statistics and data science, Stella enjoys finding solutions to urban, social, and environmental problems with data-driven methods. Her role at Esri includes doing research, building and maintaining spatial data science tools and capabilities, and creating learning resources to help users better understand and utilize the tools.

Posts by this author
Introducing Create Spatial Sampling Locations tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.3

The Create Spatial Sampling Locations tool allows you to create a continuous spatial sampling design using various sampling designs.

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Share Pop-up Charts from the Spatial Statistics and Space Time Pattern Mining Toolboxes to ArcGIS Online

Use the Convert Spatial Statistics Popup Charts for Web Display tool to view the pop-up charts from your analysis in ArcGIS Online.

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Introducing updates and enhancements for the R-ArcGIS Bridge in ArcGIS Pro 3.0

Upgrading arcgisbinding when using ArcGIS Pro 3.0

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Looking to the future: Using GIS to model and predict population

We’ll share a source of historical county population data and introduce a set of exciting, easy-to-use forecasting tools available in ArcGIS Pro.

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