Rohit Singh

Director of Esri R&D Center, New Delhi & development lead of ArcGIS AI technologies and ArcGIS API for Python. Applying deep learning to the Science of Where!

Posts by this author
Geospatial AI at the 2021 Esri Developer Summit

Learn about Geospatial AI and deep learning at the 2021 Esri Developer Summit (DevSummit)

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Pretrained deep learning models update (February 2021)

Esri has released 8 new pretrained geospatial deep learning models for feature extraction workflows. Here's an overview of what to expect.

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SAR to RGB Translation using CycleGAN

An overview of Synthetic-aperture Radar (SAR) to RGB image translation using the recently implemented CycleGAN model in the ArcGIS API for Python

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Introducing pretrained geospatial deep learning models

Esri has released ready-to-use geospatial deep learning models for feature extraction workflows. Here's an overview of what to expect.

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How we did it: Detecting Shipwrecks using Deep Learning at UC 2020

See how we detected Shipwrecks using deep learning on bathymetric data. This demo was shown at the UC 2020 plenary.

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Deep learning models in arcgis.learn

An overview of the deep learning models in the ArcGIS API for Python’s arcgis.learn module.

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Deep Learning at the Esri UC

Learn about deep learning at the 2020 Esri User Conference (UC).

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Dev Summit 2020: Use deep learning tools with full motion video

See how drone footage is used with predictive modeling tools in ArcGIS to conduct an automated, repeatable catfish survey.

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Dev Summit 2020: Extract and map data from unstructured text

Learn how you can use natural language processing and deep learning to extract and map information from unstructured text files.

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