Rohit Singh

Director of Esri R&D Center, New Delhi & development lead of ArcGIS AI technologies and ArcGIS API for Python. Applying deep learning to the Science of Where!

Posts by this author
Text SAM: Extracting GIS Features Using Text Prompts

Prompt Segment Anything Model (SAM) with free form text to extract features in your imagery

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Advancing Image Segmentation with SAM: Segment Anything Model

Learn about our SAM pretrained deep learning model available in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

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Dev Summit 2024: GeoAI

Day two of the Developer Summit plenary showcases some of the exciting ways that the capabilities of AI are being brought to ArcGIS.

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ArcGIS AI Models – Year in Review

Learn about our recently released pretrained deep learning models available in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

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Year in Review 2021: Deep Learning in ArcGIS

Let's review our biggest highlights in deep learning in 2021.

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Pretrained deep learning models update (July 2021)

Esri has released many new pretrained deep learning models for feature extraction workflows. Here's an overview of what to expect.

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Esri UC 2021: Raster analytics and deep learning in ArcGIS Online

At the UC 2021 plenary, we showed how the island nation of Grenada used ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online to develop GIS data. See how it was done.

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Dev Summit 2021: ArcGIS – a complete system for Spatial Analysis, Data Science, and Geospatial AI

ArcGIS brings analytical methods and spatial methodologies to life to uncover hidden patterns to predict and drive decision making.

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What’s new in arcgis.learn (April 2021)

The newest release of ArcGIS API for Python is out and contains over thirty geospatial deep learning models. Get a sneak peak at what they do.

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