Owen Evans

Owen is the lead product engineer for ArcGIS StoryMaps and has been with Esri since 2004. Before joining the StoryMaps team, he spent 11 years as a solution engineer on Esri's National Government team helping people understand the value and utility of geospatial thinking.

Posts by this author
Using sound in Story Map Cascade

Audio clips can turn a good Cascade story into a great Cascade story

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Make your Esri Story Maps stand out with tips from the Story Maps Developers’ Corner

Many tips and tricks on how to customize Esri’s open-source Story Map templates are available on the Story Map dev blog.

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More new accessibility features in Esri Story Maps

Read about new features for making story maps that are more accessible to readers.

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Tall panels in Story Map Cascade

Cascade recently received an update and narrative panels now stretch to accommodate whatever content has been added.

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What’s new in Story Maps (June 2018)

An overview of enhancements and new capabilities added to Story Maps in June 2018.

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Everything You Need to Know About Story Maps at the 2018 Esri UC

Learn about what's going on with respect to Story Maps at the 2018 Esri UC.

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Story Map Crowdsource Moves to Mature Support in June 2018

Understand what the move to mature status means for the Story Map Crowdsource app template.

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How to Use Maps in Story Maps

Tips on using maps for storytelling for beginners and advanced authors.

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Using a Story Map to Share Code

Learn how to share code samples and present a code challenge using a story map.

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