Michelle Thomas

Michelle Thomas is a communications lead and content strategist on Esri's StoryMaps team. She manages the annual ArcGIS StoryMaps competition, digital platforms, and storytelling campaigns that feature storytellers globally. Prior to joining Esri, Michelle created digital campaigns at the U.S. Interior Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture. She leveraged Esri's storytelling tools at both agencies, tying people, resources, and places together through stories. She joined Esri's StoryMaps team to share those experiences widely and empower storytellers to tell stories that matter.

Posts by this author
Tell “Your Caribbean Story” with ArcGIS StoryMaps and land an intern or externship

Save the date! Join the launch event for Your Caribbean Story, a place-based storytelling competition for university students.

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Meet your 2021 ArcGIS StoryMaps Challenge judges at the Storytelling for Our Ocean webinar

Meet your 2021 ArcGIS StoryMaps Challenge judges at the Storytelling for Our Ocean webinar hosted by Esri and the National Geographic Society.

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ArcGIS StoryMaps at the 2021 Esri User Conference

An overview of ArcGIS StoryMaps at the 2021 Esri User Conference

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Meet the winners of the 2020 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition

Meet the winners of the 2020 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition for the UN Sustainable Development Goals hosted by Esri and SDSN.

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Meet your 2020 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition judges at the Storytelling for the SDGs webinar

Join the Storytelling for the SDGs webinar to get story ideas and best practices from the 2020 ArcGIS StoryMaps competition judges.

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Duplicating stories in ArcGIS StoryMaps—a game changer for your organization

Save time and build your brand by duplicating ArcGIS StoryMaps stories and collections.

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Celebrate Earth Day every day with story maps virtual backgrounds

For Earth Day and beyond, download ten nature-inspired videos, maps, and photos as virtual backgrounds for your next meeting or meetup.

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BLM Story Maps Meetup sets the stage for digital storytelling at FedGIS

The Bureau of Land Management shared great advice at the recent Story Maps Meetup. Hear it yourself in the story maps sessions at FedGIS.

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