Ling Tang

Dr. Ling Tang has been exploring Remote Sensing and GIS for more than 20 years. She is a Senior Product Engineer for imagery at Esri where she focuses on the development of best practices for visualizing and analyzing scientific big data, machine learning and image classification on ArcGIS platform. Before joining Esri, she was a former research professional at NASA GSFC worked on a couple of precipitation missions.

Posts by this author
What’s new in imagery in ArcGIS (June 2024)

List of new functionality for ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online in June 2024, including new raster tools and functions in map viewer.

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Change detection in Map Viewer Part 2: Measuring change with raster functions

Raster function templates can measure change between input imagery in ArcGIS Online

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Change detection in Map Viewer Part 1: Using Image collection explorer to locate input imagery

Image collection explorer allows you to see additional information about your imagery layers and find input data.

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What’s New in ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online (February 2024)

List of new functionality for ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online in February 2024, including new raster tools and functions in map viewer.

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Dev Summit 2022: Use deep learning and network analysis to optimize facility allocation

Learn how you can leverage the power of deep learning and network analysis to optimize facility allocation.

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Visualize raster using a vector field in ArcGIS

Visualize ocean and atmospheric data using vector field and animated flow renderers in ArcGIS and create maps for desktop and web applications

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