Lea Harper

Lea Harper is a Product Engineer for the ArcGIS Solutions State and Local Governments Team, specializing in Public Safety. Prior to working with Esri, her experience included using GIS to solve problems in the realms of facilities management, sustainability, and resilience. In her free time, Lea's often adventuring with her family or enjoying hobbies like reading and gardening.

Posts by this author
Understand flooding using ArcGIS Pro with new flood simulation workflows, Arc Hydro and the Flood Impact Analysis solution

Learn more about the robust collection of data models, workflows, and planning tools tailored for flooding in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.

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Enhanced Emergency Management Operations Solution improves information sharing

Emergency Management Operations solution updated in November 2023

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Immunization Outreach Solution Released

New ArcGIS Solution helps health and human service departments increase public trust and monitor immunization trends.

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