Kory Kramer

Kory Kramer is a Product Manager for ArcGIS Pro, collaborating across multiple teams to contribute to the direction of product development. He is dedicated to listening to users and finding ways to convert that feedback into a product that continues to add customer value. In his free time, he tries to get outside as much as possible – often on trails, sometimes on a bike. He has recently started composting and is trying to get bats to take up residence in his backyard bat house.

Posts by this author
Gymnastics and Layouts in ArcGIS Pro

Learn about layouts in ArcGIS Pro and how to find out more at the 2023 User Conference.

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Sharks and Accessibility in ArcGIS Pro

Learn about accessibility in ArcGIS Pro and how to find out more at the User Conference.

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Explore and Prepare Your Data with ArcGIS Pro Data Engineering

Get a taste of how to use Data Engineering to explore, visualize, clean and prepare data in ArcGIS Pro.

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Leverage Tasks in ArcGIS Pro to Standardize Workflows

Learn how tasks in ArcGIS Pro help standardize and share workflows across your organization.

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What happens when you include your email address with an error report?

Including your email address when submitting an error report after a crash enables us to contact you if the issue is fixed...

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Recent Microsoft .NET Update Resulting in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and 2.9 Crash When Changing Symbology

Learn how to resolve a crash in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x and 2.9.x when changing symbology caused by recent Microsoft update.

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Get Ready for ArcGIS Pro 3.0

ArcGIS Pro 3.0 is a major release. Read on for the information you need to be best prepared to update when 3.0 is released in June!

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ArcMap Users: Support for HTTP Raster Basemaps Ends in April 2022

Support for HTTP raster basemaps will end in April 2022. Learn about the change and how to check and update your .mxds.

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ArcGIS Pro: Know your options when it comes to Options

ArcGIS Pro 2.9 Command Search supports searching for application options. Plus learn other tips on directly accessing application options.

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