Kenneth Field

Ken is an academic cartographer and geographer from the UK, and since 2011 he teaches, talks and writes about cartography, and makes maps to demonstrate map design at Esri. He considers himself a professional 'cartonerd', educated with a Bachelors in cartography and a PhD in GIS and health geography, and over 30 years experience designing curricula, and teaching map design and GIS. He has presented and published an awful lot and is in demand as a panelist and keynote. He blogs (, tweets (@kennethfield), is past Editor of The Cartographic Journal (2005–2014), and past Chair of the ICA Map Design Commission ( 2010-2018). He’s won a few awards for maps, pedagogy and kitchen tile designs. He is author of the best-selling books 'Cartography.' and 'Thematic Mapping' and leads the Esri MOOC on cartography which has been taken by over 200,000 students interested in making better maps. He snowboards, plays drums, builds Lego and supports Nottingham Forest.

Posts by this author
Experiments with line symbology IV – Vivacity

How to make animated lines using ArcGIS Pro

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Experiments with line symbology III – Intensity

Exploring ways of symbolising line features to show intensity and movement

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Experiments with line symbology II – Multiplicity

Exploring the use of small multiples and polar area charts to map line features

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Experiments with line symbology I – Simplicity

Some examples of simple symbology to illustrate line features

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Mapping Out a New Book

Thematic Mapping: 101 Inspiring Ways to Visualise Empirical Data is published late August. Read about it here.

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Rotating pictograms

A simple method to incorporate direction into the design of POI symbols

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The style of Émile Cheysson

Recreation of the late 19th century statistical thematic maps of Émile Cheysson, including ArcGIS Pro styles, fonts, and digital twins

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Experiments with dot density – Part Two

Part two of a two-part article exploring options for dot density maps, including use of blend modes and dasymetric techniques.

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Experiments with dot density – Part One

Part one of a two-part article exploring options for dot density maps, including use of blend modes and dasymetric techniques.

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