Jonathan Murphy

Product Owner, UX Designer and Content Strategist on the Geodatabase team at Esri. Writer, musician, cockatiel whisperer and prolific world traveler.

Posts by this author
MongoDB example code for adding a NoSQL Plug-in data source

For customers with large volumes of data, NoSQL databases provide a useful, highly scalable alternative to the traditional RDBMS.

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Geodatabase Toolset (GDBT) for ArcCatalog – Now available for 10.0!

I’m pleased to announce that the Geodatabase Toolset (GDBT) for ArcCatalog is now available for 10.0.

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File Geodatabase API details

While not exactly an early Xmas present (as a certain beaksnake may have promised), the API for the file geodatabase

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Creating an earlier version of a file or personal geodatabase

When moving to a new release of ArcGIS, it’s common for an organization to migrate some of their users to the new release,.

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Using CASE tools in ArcGIS 10

So ya, this is a post about using CASE tools at ArcGIS 10 (CASE tools are a separate set up that you can access from your media disc or download

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Migrating your existing data into the Geodatabase

While I was at the user conference earlier this year I was getting a lot of questions about migrating to the geodatabase from other data formats.

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