Jim Herries

Jim Herries is a geographer with Esri in Redlands, California. He serves as Senior Principal GIS Engineer, GIS Engineering Lead, Cartography on the team responsible for ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. Jim works with teams on thematic mapping and other types of maps that bring data to life, reflecting a drive to help GIS users find insights as they go along. He constantly looks for ways to create clear, focused map information products that incorporate meaningful spatial analysis and evocative visualizations. When he started in GIS at Ohio State, he walked over to the campus library to transcribe census data by hand to paper so that he could hand-enter it into spreadsheets for upload into Arc/INFO for mapping and analysis. Today, he appreciates how web GIS brings everyone access to good data in useful layers and maps as a starting point for great work.

Posts by this author
Create Great Thumbnails for Your Living Atlas Nominations

Want to create great thumbnails for your ArcGIS Living Atlas contributions? Learn how to correctly size your images using a PC or Mac.

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What’s New in Smart Mapping (March 2016)

With the March 2016 release of ArcGIS Online, anyone can analyze and map multiple columns of related data, in order to determine which ha...

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What’s New in Smart Mapping (November 2015)

The best maps answers specific questions. How are you using ArcGIS Online to ask, and answer, the specific questions that are most releva...

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