Ian Wittenmyer

Product Engineer for ArcGIS Online and Configurable App Templates

Posts by this author
From groups to galleries to apps

Groups are a great way to organize content, creating galleries or apps using groups is a great way to present that content.

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Use URL parameters in ArcGIS Instant Apps

URL parameters can be used to pass along additional information or instructions to ArcGIS Instant Apps. Learn how to use them.

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Create simple filter apps with Interactive Legend

Use the Interactive Legend to provide a simple way to filter your map.

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Converting a CSV with photos to a layer with attachments

This blog walks you through creating a layer with attachments from a CSV with linked images using an astronaut data CSV as an example. 

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Configurable Apps Announcement – Apps Scheduled to move to Mature Support Phase December 2020

In the upcoming December 2020 release of ArcGIS Online, 15 configurable app templates will move into the Mature phase of the Product Lifecycle .

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Configurable Apps Announcement – Apps Scheduled to move to Mature Support Phase December 2018

In the upcoming December 2018 release of ArcGIS Online, several configurable app templates will move into the mature phase

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Introducing Shared Theme: a new app styling capability in ArcGIS Online

At Esri we are working hard to make our users successful.  One of the challenges organizations have faced is the ability to easily apply...

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How to Add a Widget to a Configurable App

Each configurable app in the configurable apps gallery supports a unique set of tools. You can download the source code for each configu...

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Search Widget Enhancements for Configurable Apps

A properly configured search experience allows your users to find your data easily. For this reason, we added new functionality to the se...

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