Heather Smith

Heather is a cartographer and artist. She creates resources for the tutorial gallery.

Posts by this author
A Little Population Atlas

Learn how to make a small population atlas using ArcGIS Pro.

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ArcGIS Pro: The many ways to symbolize by size

Learn about the different options available in ArcGIS Pro for symbolizing by size.

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Untangling interchanges with Symbol layer drawing

Use Symbol layer drawing in ArcGIS Pro to untangle complicated highway interchanges and display them in their correct overlapping order.

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Hand drawn terrain

Add your own hand-drawn terrain to an otherwise digitally-drawn map in ArcGIS Pro.

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Map-making, step by step

A suggested process for making maps from start to finish.

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Map the stars with size, transparency, and color

Multivariate mapping of the night sky.

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