Courtney Yatteau

Courtney Yatteau is a developer advocate on the Developer Experience team. She is responsible for outreach and awareness related to Esri's developer SDKs and APIs. Before Esri, Courtney worked in the secondary education field, teaching computer science and mathematics.

Posts by this author
Developer credentials: What’s new and improved

This article will guide you through the updates, their implications, and provide essential information to help you adjust to this new experience.

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A Developer’s Guide to FedGIS 2024

Explore key GIS developments at FedGIS 2024 with our guide: top sessions, expert insights, and networking for developers in the federal sphere.

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Lessons Learned from our Hacktoberfest Contributors

Summaries and takeaways of the interviews we conducted with our Hacktoberfest 2023 contributors.

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Hacktoberfest 2023: It’s a Wrap!

A summary of Hacktoberfest this year and a huge thank you to our contributors!

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Join Hacktoberfest 2023: Celebrate Open Source with Us!

Join us this October 2023 for the world's largest open source event, Hacktoberfest!

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Watch our Hacktoberfest 2023 Livestream

Learn about Esri's involvement with Hacktoberfest in October 2023.

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Find address coordinates using Node.js

Learn about a lightweight and open-source option to quickly find the latitude and longitude of an address.

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