Beth Romero

Beth is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Online team.

Posts by this author
Introducing the 3D Viewer Instant App

3D Viewer showcases scenes and provides new capabilities to interact with 3D data.

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Configure apps with mobile in mind

Get tips to ensure your web apps are mobile ready.

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Introducing Nearby, a new Instant App

Nearby is a Instant App template that allows users to identify features closest to a searched location.

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Refining search capabilities in your Configurable Apps

Most configurable apps include a search tool, find out how to refine search so your audience can easily discover the right information.

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Introducing Zone Lookup

Zone Lookup is an ArcGIS Instant App that will help community members answer questions about their location in reference to zones. 

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Complete common administrative workflows on a mobile device

ArcGIS Online has optimized the mobile experience, making it easier to perform administrative tasks on mobile phones and tablets. 

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Take a tour of Configurable Apps built with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x

Take a tour of new features, like dockable pop-ups and stacked labels, available in the the 4.x configurable apps

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Getting started with the Image Interpretation (beta) configurable app

Imagery visualization and interpretation are now available through the new Image Interpretation (beta) configurable app. Check out the Im...

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Best Practices for Creating Bilingual Apps

Offering your web app in multiple languages can increase your audience and the overall impact of the information. In this blog, we will s...

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