3D Visualization & Analytics

ArcGIS Runtime SDK 100.2.1 released

We’re happy to announce that ArcGIS Runtime SDK 100.2.1 has arrived!

This is a focused update to the 100.2 major release that happened last December. Focused, meaning it contains just a few enhancements to features that were released in December and also includes some critical bug fixes.

Enhancements include the following:


Mobile Map Packages

This release supports mobile map packages (mmpk) that contain raster datasets and tile packages. These mmpks can be created with version 2.1 of ArcGIS Pro. If you load an mmpk’s map (explicitly or by passing it to the map view) a RasterLayer or a ArcGISTiledLayer will be created to display the raster dataset and tile package, respectively. To access the mmpk’s raster dataset you need to unpack it first. This is explained more fully in Accessing the mobile map package.

3D scene support for tiled layers in WGS84

3D scenes now support the use of WGS84 based tiled layers as a basemap or layer. Scenes in ArcGIS Runtime 100.2.0 supported only tiled layers in the Web Mercator projection.

A few more notes about this release:

To get 100.2.1, go to the ArcGIS for Developers web site, where you can browse to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK home page of your choice and download the SDK. You can also get it through Nuget, Gradle, or CocoaPods on some platforms. If you are new to developing on the ArcGIS Platform and don’t already have an ArcGIS Developer subscription, sign up for a free account and you’ll be able to access to everything you need to develop your app.

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