We’re just a week away from the UC 2016 Plenary, and to help you wrap up your schedule, below are some of the best UC week offerings on ArcGIS Pro and the Pro SDK. Also, don’t forget to swing by the Developer Area located in the Product Pavilion of the UC Expo and meet the Desktop SDK Team, ask your questions, and discuss your plans for extending ArcGIS Pro. Have a great UC!
ArcGIS Pro Sessions: Check out this handy ArcGIS Pro UC session flyer on GeoNet to find all the key Pro offerings this year.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Add-in Fundamentals and Development Patterns
Tuesday, June 28, 1:30 – 2:45 PM. Location: Room 31 A, San Diego Convention Center
Thursday, June 30, 10:15 – 11:30 AM. Location: Room 31 A, San Diego Convention Center
Learn about the new Pro SDK for .NET and Add-in extensibilty for Pro, including modules, contracts, DAML, UI customization and skinning. We introduce Pro’s new programming patterns to include async and await, MVVM, Extensions, and coarse grained functions, illustrated with examples from the Pro API.
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: UI Design and MVVM
Wednesday, June 29, 10:15 – 11:30 AM. Location: Room 30 E, San Diego Convention Center
Thursday, June 30, 1:30 – 2:45 PM. Location: Room 31 A, San Diego Convention Center
Learn how to write Add-ins for Pro with advanced user interface components. We focus on MVVM and integration of WPF to write compelling UIs with Pro. We also cover multi-threading considerations when developing UIs in Pro.
ArcGIS Pro: Development Team Panel Discussion
Thursday, June 30, 10:15 – 11:30 AM. Location: Ballroom 20, San Diego Convention Center
Come meet the senior members of the ArcGIS Pro team and ask about ArcGIS Pro capabilities now and what’s planned for the future. The team will also be addressing common questions received via Social Media and Esri Support.
For more information see the UC 2016 Detailed Agenda.
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