3D Visualization & Analytics

DevSummit Preview: Top 20 Technical Workshops

We expect DevSummit 2016 to be the biggest best one yet. The ArcGIS platform and its tools and capabilities for developers are larger and more powerful than ever before. DevSummit is a great time for product developers and engineers at Esri to stop their work for a week and meet with you, demonstrate everything new that they built that you can use today, and give you the best “Road Ahead” previews for you as you plan your projects for the next year or two. 

First, we’d like to re-announce that the Keynote Speaker this year is Douglas Crockford, the author of “JavaScript: The Good Parts” amongst many other publications, articles, and talks that he presents around the world. Learn more here and here.

If you want, show up a couple days early and take one of our two-day hands-on pre-DevSummit training workshops

In addition to all the typical DevSummit activities, things like Speedgeeking, Lightning Talks, and of course our highly competitive world-famous Dodgeball tournament, the highlight of DevSummit is always the 200+ technical workshops that you can attend in order to see, learn, and put into your hands the latest GIS technology and developer tools from Esri.

Here is a highlight of the Top 20:

We hope you’re just as excited and looking forward to another successful DevSummit as we are. See you there!

About the author

Amy is the Developer Community Manager in Product Management. She has an MA in English Literature and Composition and an MBA with a focus on Global Business. Follow the @EsriDevs and @EsriDevEvents accounts on Twitter for updates on developer community events and happenings!


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