ArcGIS AppStudio

AppStudio for ArcGIS v1.0 Now Available

We are pleased to announce that AppStudio for ArcGIS v1.0 is final.  Thank you to all the beta testers who provided valuable feedback and helped the team make a great product.

Let’s go over a few of the key points that make AppStudio such a unique and powerful tool.

AppStudio makes it easy to publish apps to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

Today we continue to see more and more people accessing information on the web with smartphones and tablets, using the apps they download from app stores.  And organizations have realized that to reach a wider audience they must publish apps into to the app stores.  Example, this past year the UK Geological society created a Story Map of “100 Great Geosites” as voted on by the public. Wanting to turn this into an iOS and Android app they turned to AppStudio for ArcGIS and the Map Tour template.  Without writing any code this Story Map was turned into a beautiful app available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To see how this is done visit the Map Tour template online tutorial or watch this short video on Configuring a Map Tour App.  Today we have 3 templates available to anyone with an ArcGIS Account as part of AppStudio for ArcGIS Basic (Map Tour, Map Viewer, and Quick Report).

AppStudio lets you build for multiple platforms with one code base

If you want your app to reach a large audience on smartphones and tablets, you will want to create an app for both iOS (iPhone and iPads) and Android devices.  But the challenge for many organizations is that they don’t have the time and resources to develop for both. AppStudio solves this challenge because the apps it builds run on iOS, Android, and even Windows, Mac, and Linux.  This is possible because AppStudio apps are built with  Qt/QML, this code is cross platform and can be compiled for all these platforms. The way this works with AppStudio is: (see help for more details)

AppStudio gives developers tools to build powerful custom apps

If you are a developer you can use AppStudio for ArcGIS Standard to write code to customize the templates or create a new app from scratch. AppStudio apps are built using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.  This means that AppStudio has the same core Runtime components that power many of Esri’s apps like Collector for ArcGIS, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Earth. AppStudio’s Desktop Edition includes Qt Creator, a full-featured cross-platform development environment, and code samples to get you underway. For example, if you want to build a custom app to work with your maps even while offline, you can find code to start your project by following these steps:

  1. Open AppStudio for ArcGIS Desktop Edition
  2. Login with your ArcGIS Online credentials
  3. Expand the Search (top-right corner) and expand the Groups section, and check “Sample Apps”
  4. Download the Internal Package and Download TPK samples

AppStudio apps are written in QML, a programming language similar to HTML/5 and JavaScript. If you already have web development skills you can quickly become productive in writing AppStudio apps, allowing you to use your existing knowledge to build native apps.

Here are some examples of custom apps created with AppStudio:

Share your apps with the public, or within the enterprise

When you build apps with AppStudio you have several deployment options to fit your needs.

AppStudio License Options: Basic and Standard

There are two licensing options with AppStudio; Basic and Standard. AppStudio Basic is perfect for the non-developer who wants to turn their ArcGIS maps into apps and make them available to the public. AppStudio Basic is included with every ArcGIS Organization account.  With AppStudio Standard you can write custom QML code and distribute AppStudio apps within an enterprise. See this table for a comparison of AppStudio Basic and Standard licenses.

Whether you want to create an app to promote your beautiful maps, gather information from the public, or deliver a focused solution for your organization… AppStudio is up to the task.

Try it today by visiting

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About the author

Chris LeSueur is a Product Manager with the Apps Team in Redlands, California.

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