
2015 U.S. Esri Demographic data is now available!

The 2015/2020 U.S. Esri Updated Demographic data is now available across the ArcGIS platform, and it reveals some very interesting trends about population growth, aging, diversity, housing and more.

This release of 2015 U.S. Esri Data also includes updates to the following databases:

A new U.S. Health Data Collection has also been released which includes data most needed by the Health industry including population by age, average amount spent per household on various medical categories, health insurance coverage by age, households with a person with a disability, and counts of employees working in the health industry. This collection contains Esri Updated Demographic data, Tapestry Segmentation data, ACS data, Consumer Spending data, and Business Summary data.

Data Browser shown with new Health Category

This 2015 U.S. Esri Demographic data is now available on ArcGIS Online through web maps, data enrichment, reports, and infographics. The data can also be accessed through Esri Business Analyst products and apps such as Esri Community Analyst, Esri Maps for Office, ArcGIS Pro, and Explorer for ArcGIS.

All updated methodology statements, variable lists, report samples, and other documentation are now available at

Here is a small sampling of the new 2015 U.S. web maps:

2015-2020 Population Growth Rate in the United States
2015 Median Home Value in the United States
2015 Median Household Income in the United States
2015 Adults That Exercise Regularly in the United States
2015 Facebook Users in the United States
2015 Frequent Coupon Use in the United States
2015 Grocery Store Market Opportunity in the United States
2015 Health Care Spending in the United States
2015 High Credit Card Expenditures in the United States
2015 Long Commute Time to Work in the United States
2015 Online Banking in the United States
2015 Organic Food Consumption in the United States
2015 Recycling Habits in the United States
2015 Restaurant Spending in the United States
2015 Retirement 401(k) Plans in the United States
2015 Smartphone Ownership in the United States
2015 Tablet/e-Reader Ownership in the United States
2015 Tapestry Segmentation in the United States

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