ArcGIS Hub

Easier administration with ArcGIS Hub Settings

ArcGIS Hub Premium provides an additional ArcGIS Online organization that is the home for your community. This keeps community members separate from your employees and gives you a place to manage community accounts, usage, and content. In addition, your community can have different login rules from your employees. However, managing multiple settings across the two organizations can take extra time. That’s why we’re excited to announce Hub Settings: one place to manage both of your organization’s settings as they relate to your hub. This feature also brings exciting new customizations to ArcGIS Hub and ArcGIS Online.

Key Features of Settings

This initial release of Settings focuses on customization of your Sign In experience. You can…

Hub Settings interface
Hub Settings interface

Changes primarily appear on your organization’s sign in screen. As you make changes, you can see your sign in experience adapt to the various options.

Example sign in screen showing custom logo, sign up screen, and custom terms and conditions
Example sign in screen showing custom logo, sign up screen, and custom terms and conditions

Setting a Community Support Contact

Using this option, you can specify which community administrator account is used during Sign Up emails.

Community Support Contact Example
The community support contact changes who is mentioned in the welcome email for new community users

Getting Started

To get started, simply login to ArcGIS Hub and use the dark blue hub edit navigation to select “Settings”.  Note: you must be an ArcGIS Online Administrator and you must have Hub Premium.

Settings menu option in Hub dropdown
Settings option found in Hub dropdown

We have a lot more planned to make Hub even easier to use. We hope this feature allows you to spend less time spent administering and more time spent building your community….just as it should be. 🎉

Don’t have Hub Premium? Learn more about Hub Premium. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with Hub.

About the author

I'm helping organizations collaborate with their external communities (the people they work with, constituents, business partners) around their projects or initiatives with ArcGIS Hub. I also help organizations improve a similar internal coordination with ArcGIS Enterprise Sites.

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