ArcGIS Online

Stay Current with Landsat Image Services

Esri provides Landsat image services for analysis and visualization.  Since our first Landsat GLS services were made publicly available, design and implementation improvements have led to the creation and publication of improved services.

Most users are already leveraging the latest and greatest Landsat layers and services.  However, there may be a few users who should be aware that the original services have been retired.

The original Landsat GLS services and layers from were in Mature Support and set for retirement for over a year.  As of April 16th, 2019, those services are officially retired.  Any users with existing layers and web maps referencing the old ArcGIS Online GLS services need to migrate to the currently supported layers and services.  This includes users on Enterprise Portal versions 10.5 through 10.6.1.

All the imagery from the retired services is still available through our current Multispectral Landsat image layer, which includes both historic GLS imagery and current Landsat 8 imagery.  We also provide a pre-filtered GLS only view, Landsat GLS Multispectral.  For additional options, users can find other Landsat layers available in the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.  Users of the old Change Matters app are now being routed to Unlock Earth’s Secrets and the Landsat Explorer App.

About the author

As Content Lead for all things imagery in ArcGIS Living Atlas, Robert takes great pride in enabling the Esri community with the rich geographic information that Living Atlas provides...information to complement and enhance the ArcGIS system...information to support and drive the Science of Where.

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