ArcGIS Hub

New Dashboard for your ArcGIS Hub sites

People share a lot of things with their hub sites.
Whether they’ve created open data portals for their communities or internal sites for their departments, many may wonder how far their content has reached. Now, with the new dashboard feature, you can quickly monitor engagement by checking your site’s views.

How it works

The dashboard uses telemetry to show you your site’s number of views and unique views as well as a bar graph of those views over time. All you have to do is pick the time. Filter views as recently as today to as far back as last year.

The Engagement Overview display a count of views and unique views across the top of the page and a table of views over time. In this case, it's showing views over the last 30 days.
View of a site's Dashboard

No need to worry about skewed counts. Even if someone viewed your site multiple times within the last week (or whatever date range you’ve selected), they are only counted once in unique views.

Monitor engagement

Use your site’s dashboard if you’re just curious or want to find out more about what’s working and what’s not. Maybe that spike in views from last month was due to a shoutout on social media or an event you added to your initiative. You know what has changed with your site and what’s happening in your community, and we can help you quickly identify spikes and declines in your site’s activity to help you stay on track or adjust course. 

Get started

Ready to check out your site’s new dashboard? Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Hub app (either by signing in at or by
    clicking on the app within your ArcGIS online organization).
  2. Click the Sites tab.
  3. Find your site, then click Capabilities.
  4. Click the Dashboard tab.
  5. Click the Filter by date range drop-down menu to choose a time frame.

If you’ve licensed the premium features of ArcGIS Hub, and have created one or more initiative sites, you can access individual engagement dashboards for each of these sites from within the initiative. Find your initiative under the Initiatives tab, click its title, then choose the Dashboard tab to view metrics for that site.

An initiative site's dashboard

If you’re new to ArcGIS Hub sites, you can get started by enabling open data, a capability you already have if you’ve got a subscription to ArcGIS Online. Or take the Hub readiness assessment to learn more about what ArcGIS Hub can do for your community.

Don’t forget to stay connected with us on GeoNet, and check out our change log and follow us on Twitter for more updates.

About the author

As a product marketer for ArcGIS Urban, Katie enjoys sharing product announcements and best practices with the Esri community.

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