ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Migrating Web Apps from Google to ArcGIS: Searching and Geocoding

This is the third post in a four-part series covering the basic topics related to migrating your app built with the Google Maps JavaScript API to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (JavaScript API). The series covers the following topics:

In this post, we’ll do an overview on searching and geocoding.

Getting started

To get started with ArcGIS, sign up for the ArcGIS Developer Program at no cost. This account will get you access to the JavaScript API, 1,000,000 basemaps and geosearch (e.g. interactive find and zoom) transactions per month, access to a wide selection of rich content and services hosted in ArcGIS Online, unlimited non-revenue generating apps deployed, and quite a bit more for free. More information can be found in the first blog of this series.

Create a basic mapping app

Check out the Getting Started blog for an overview on how to load the JavaScript API and create a map.

Searching for places

There are multiple ways in which you can locate a place of interest on a map. One way of doing that is searching for a list of places nearby a particular location, based on a keyword or type.

Say you’d like to search for restaurant place names around a given location. With Google, you would define the search center, and then use the PlacesService to do a nearbySearch. In the callback you would parse and display the search results.

const searchCenter = {lat: 40.0150, lng: -105.2705};

const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
  zoom: 7,
  center: searchCenter

const service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);
  location: searchCenter,
  radius: 500,
  type: ["restaurant"]
}, callback);

To do a similar search with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, you define the search center point, and then use a Locator to search around that location using addressToLocations. The locator will use the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service and search for locations that are in the “food” category.

], function(
  Map, MapView, Locator, Point) {

  const searchCenter = new Point({
    type: "point",
    latitude: 40.0150,
    longitude: -105.2705

  const map = new Map({
    basemap: "streets-vector"

  const view = new MapView({
    container: "viewDiv",
    map: map,
    center: searchCenter,
    zoom: 7

  const locator = new Locator({
    url: ""

    location: searchCenter,
    distance: 500,
    categories: ["Food"]
    .then(function(results) {
      // Parse results and draw graphics

If you’d like to try out a step-by-step tutorial on finding places, check out this DevLab.

With ArcGIS API for JavaScript you can also integrate search using the out of box Search widget. With just a few lines of code the widget provides an experience for searching and geocoding. In addition to doing a place search or geocode, you can configure it to also search within your own data on the map.

const searchWidget = new Search({
  view: view

Here’s an example for adding the Search Widget in the top-right corner of an application:

view.ui.add(searchWidget, {
  position: "top-right"

When a result is available the widget zooms the map to the associated location and automatically creates a popup. Here’s a sample for using the Search widget.

The Locator can be used in several ways in addition to searching for place names, for example geocoding and reverse geocoding. To search for an address by a specific point on the map use locationToAddress. This is done by listening for a click event that gives you the point where you clicked on the map. You can use this point with locationToAddress to return the best address for this location.

view.on("click", function(event){
    .then(function(response) {
      // Parse results and draw graphics

If you’d like to try out a step-by-step tutorial on searching for an address using reverse geolocation, check out this DevLab.

Next Steps & more resources

Stay tuned for the next tutorial that will cover adding a shape to the map.

There are a variety of resources for learning about the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and maximizing your productivity when building your web apps:

About the authors

I spend a ton of time outdoors and when not on a mountain somewhere I'm a Sr. Product Engineer for the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. I work on ES modules, 3rd party JavaScript frameworks, and other cool mapping-related goodies.


Julie Powell is a Principal Product Manager, focusing on Esri's web development technologies. She works to ensure developers can be successful in building state of the art, purposeful solutions using ArcGIS software. Julie brings 20 years of experience working with global leaders such as Hewlett-Packard and Esri, delivering a variety of software solutions for both the enterprise and consumer markets. Julie has worked on a wide range of projects and consulting endeavors, including serving as technical lead for web mapping solutions for strategic customers.


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Import attributes when creating an ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App project

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