ArcGIS StoryMaps

What's new in Story Maps (June 2018)

Esri Story Maps let you combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content, making it easy to harness the power of maps and geography to tell your story.

Summer is here and that means vacations! You’ve likely got some new geotagged photos you’re looking to share with friends and family, or maybe you just have some work-related stories you’re building (which is also perfectly acceptable). To help you create amazing map-infused stories, ArcGIS Online and its Story Map templates have been updated with many new features and enhancements to bolster your map-making and storytelling toolboxes.

For additional information about all the new features see the What’s new in ArcGIS Online help topic and other ArcGIS blog posts about what’s new in the June 2018 update.

To find out what’s new specifically with story maps, read this story map…

What's New in Story Maps: June 2018
What's New in Story Maps: June 2018

Banner image by RawPixel via Unsplash

About the author

Owen is the lead product engineer for ArcGIS StoryMaps and has been with Esri since 2004. Before joining the StoryMaps team, he spent 11 years as a solution engineer on Esri's National Government team helping people understand the value and utility of geospatial thinking.


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