ArcGIS Online

Points of light: illuminating a map with data

Here’s how to make point features in ArcGIS Online look like they’re illuminating the map. Rather than discrete points covering up the basemap, the features act as a light source revealing the underlying map. A bit like fireflies. Ah firefly, how I love thee.

point features appearing to illuminate a dark imagery basemap

Here is how to do it…

0:00 Illuminating intro
0:06 Adding some lighthouses from ArcGIS Online
0:16 Firefly point symbology
0:49 Darkening the underlying imagery basemap with Effects
1:11 Illuminating with the Soft Light blend mode

I hope you try this out for any map or story whose theme might benefit from the fun illumination of data.

Love, John

About the author

I have far too much fun looking for ways to understand and present data visually, hopefully driving product strategy and engaging users. I work in the ArcGIS Living Atlas team at Esri, pushing and pulling data in all sorts of absurd ways and then sharing the process. I also design user experiences for maps and apps. When I'm not doing those things, I'm chasing around toddlers and wrangling chickens, and generally getting into other ad-hoc adventures. Life is good. You might also like these Styles for ArcGIS Pro:

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