ArcGIS QuickCapture

What's New in ArcGIS QuickCapture (March 2024)

ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.19 is here! Download the latest version to your mobile device and discover the new features and enhancements made to the product. The major updates in this release include:

About ArcGIS QuickCapture

ArcGIS QuickCapture is Esri’s rapid mobile data collection app. Configure it to enable field data collection through a simple big button user experience. Collect lines, polygons, and point observations; all at once and with the single tap of a button!

Not familiar with ArcGIS QuickCapture? Watch this 2-minute video for an overview:

QuickCapture logo on an orange line.

What’s new in March 2024

Improved fast paced attribute data collection

Dynamic Choice lists

Having a dropdown, or choice list, of valid values dramatically speeds up the collection of data and has the added advantage of ensuring at only valid text is entered. Up to now, the values contained in a dropdown list had to be manually configured during authoring or read from a field’s coded value domain.

Dynamic choice lists are automatically populated from a field in an online feature service or table. Once loaded in the app, these dynamic choices persist even when the project is taken offline.  Moreover, when the list values form the feature service change (as new data is submitted), QuickCapture will access these updates without the author having to republish the project, ensuring users always have the most up-to-date values for the choice list.

Reorder user inputs

User inputs are a powerful feature in QuickCapture: Use them to let field users add extra attributes using dialogs specifically designed for fast-data-entry. As of last release, you can configure up to 10 user inputs per button! Now, through the QuickCapture designer you can reorder those user inputs to a workflow that works best for your team out in the field.

Better oriented imagery workflows

Oriented imagery is rapidly growing in the ArcGIS ecosystem. With this release of QuickCapture you can now capture oriented imagery in the field using the mobile app, then go into the Map Viewer application to conveniently view and explore your imagery. If you want to learn more about oriented imagery and ArcGIS QuickCapture, check out this blog

Other enhancements

To learn more about what’s new in this and previous releases, check the What’s new help topic.

Register for the upcoming webinar on March 28, 2024 at 9am (PDT) for an introduction to ArcGIS QuickCapture and dive into what’s new.

About the author

Caitlyn North

Caitlyn is an Associate Product Marketing Manager and supports ArcGIS QuickCapture, ArcGIS Field Maps, and ArcGIS Pro. Before coming to Esri she studied geography and GIS in Ontario, Canada where she is from. In her spare time she enjoys cooking and reading.

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