ArcGIS Blog


ArcGIS Workflow Manager

UC 2023 Activities for Esri’s workflow orchestration and management system

By Shree Rajagopalan and Angelique Samaro

Ready to join us at the world’s largest GIS conference—Esri User Conference 2023—happening July 10-14? Start planning your agenda today! 

Whether you are attending in person or digitally, we want to help you navigate the multitude of activities being offered. Below is a curated list of activities related to ArcGIS Workflow Manager. 



Workflow Diagramming


First, let’s start with a quick overview of Workflow Manager and why you should be interested in this product. 

Watch our short video where Tiffany Weintraub, Product Manager, and Mary Mozingo, Sr. Consultant, extend a warm invitation to connect with the ArcGIS Workflow Manager team at the 2023 Esri User Conference.


What is ArcGIS Workflow Manager? 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager is a scalable workflow orchestration and management system that automates and streamlines repeatable business processes in your organization. Think of this product as an orchestra conductor. Just like the conductor is responsible for unifying musicians to produce a smooth and effortless concert performance, Workflow Manager brings together, in real time, people, processes, and products to create and manage seamless end-to-end workflows in your ArcGIS environment. Workflow Manager uses no-code/low-code and can be easily adapted to fit any organization’s needs. 

What can ArcGIS Workflow Manager do for you? 

Workflow Manager provides a framework to  

  • Use location effectively
  • Enhance workflow automation  
  • Promote cross-team collaboration 
  • Enforce standards and best practices 

through a web app to design and manage work, an ArcGIS Pro extension for editing workflows on a desktop, and APIs for extensibility. While organizations with ArcGIS Enterprise deployment have been the primary users to date, we are super excited to announce that ArcGIS Workflow Manager is coming to ArcGIS Online in July! With this release, Online-only organizations can take advantage of out-of-the-box work management capabilities in a software-as-a-service environment.  

Read on to find out about sessions, showcase details, and appointments with Esri experts at the upcoming User Conference. 

Sessions of interest 

Tuesday, July 11 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager: An Introduction 

Technical Workshop – Offering 1 | 2.30 pm | Room 15 B | Live streamed, in-person, recorded 

Business processes can be resource intensive as they typically span across desktop, web, and mobile and involve a number of teams and departments. ArcGIS Workflow Manager is Esri’s scalable enterprise extension that automates and simplifies many aspects of performing and managing GIS and non-GIS work, making you efficient and more productive. In this session we’ll provide a general overview of the capabilities of ArcGIS Workflow Manager and demonstrate how it can be used to streamline submission and approval, and versioned data editing workflows. 

Streamlining Collaboration to Create Efficient Planning Workflows 

User Presentation | 2.30 pm | Room 28 B | In-person 

Regional Planning Meets Technology-Leveraging ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Data Exchange: In preparing the long-range regional plan, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) developed the Data/Map Books and Regional Data Platform – Local Data Exchange Web for its 197 local jurisdictions to facilitate transparency and collaboration, locally and regionally, in data collection and integration for its quadrennial regional planning process. SCAG partnered with Esri to leverage its advanced and secured technology (e.g., ArcGIS Workflow Manager, branch versioning, ArcGIS Data Reviewer, etc.) to automate the two-way data exchange and engagement with all jurisdictions, which is formerly known as the Local Data Exchange process. 

***Read how SCAG is leveraging ArcGIS Workflow Manager for its regional planning process ***  

Wednesday, July 12 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager: An Introduction 

Technical Workshop – Offering 2 | 1.00 pm | Room 1 AB | In-person, recorded 

Business processes can be resource intensive as they typically span across desktop, web, and mobile and involve a number of teams and departments. ArcGIS Workflow Manager is Esri’s scalable enterprise extension that automates and simplifies many aspects of performing and managing GIS and non-GIS work, making you efficient and more productive. In this session we’ll provide a general overview of the capabilities of ArcGIS Workflow Manager and demonstrate how it can be used to streamline submission and approval, and versioned data editing workflows. 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Automating Your Production Processes 

Technical Workshop | 2.30 pm | Room 5 B | In-person, recorded 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager’s powerful automation tools allow you to transform common processes such as data ingestion, analysis, and aggregation of frequent contributions that are part of your organizational workflows. In this session, we will showcase the advanced capabilities of ArcGIS Workflow Manager that help facilitate workflow automation, including step and job scheduling, web hook integration, sending web requests and creating long-running processing sequences. 

Thursday, July 13 

ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Configuration and Deployment 

Demo Theater | 2.30 pm | Expo Demo Theater 9 | In-person 

This session will provide key information you need to get started using ArcGIS Workflow Manager. Topics covered include planning the deployment to fit your organization, setup, and logging in for the first time. Deployment architecture, licensing, installation, and setup will also be covered in detail, followed by a tour of the web app. 

Join us at the expo 

Can’t attend a session or have more questions? Meet with a Workflow Manager expert in the ArcGIS Enterprise showcase area on the ground level, Exhibit Hall B, during these times. 

  • Tuesday, July 11th, 9 AM-6 PM PDT 
  • Wednesday, July 12th, 9 AM-6 PM PDT 
  • Thursday, July 13th, 9 AM-4 PM PDT 

Get one-on-one assistance from an expert 

Workflow Diagramming Appointments 

Have repeatable processes that are manual/paper-based or live in someone’s brain? Meet with an Esri Workflow Manager implementation expert to brainstorm how to design these processes into automated workflows. You will take back to your organization valuable guidance on a path forward for developing your workflow.   

Examples of repeatable processes include: 

  • Submission and review workflows such as permitting, addressing and boundary changes 
  • Land records recordation and valuation 
  • Field data collection 
  • Field inspections 
  • Versioned network data editing such as editing in Utility Network, Parcel Fabric, Linear Referencing 
  • Infrastructure planning and design 

Sign up for an appointment ahead of the conference–slots fill up quickly!  


The UC Event Map is now availableto allow you to get familiar with the convention center and view locations of sessions and activities before you go. You can also generate a route and directions between two locations and view the estimated travel time. Use this map as a helpful tool, along with the Detailed Agendaand My Schedule, for planning your UC experience. The map will also be available in the Esri Events App and at directory kiosks on site in the convention center. Learn more (mapping blog). 

See you in San Diego! 

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